Get to know more about Bosa Art

Where do you reside?
Hobart Tasmania (Although originally from Canada)

Tell us about your fur baby.
My beautiful Lucy. She is 6 years old, rescued and we adopted her from Bright Side here in Tasmania. Well, I think she adopted/rescued us from a dull and boring life. Greyhounds are such funny and unique individuals! 
What does BOSA stand for?
Its the first initials of our families names

How did you get into watercolour and creating your own art?
I have always been a creative person but I didn't discover watercolour until later on in life. I started experimenting with them when the boys were babies. After I popped them to bed I would sit up and paint. It accidentally helped start my business. After sharing some works on Instagram, people seemed to love it and before you knew it I had a box of greeting cards with my art on them. After that it snowballed into more products, designing fabric for other businesses and teaching art! I have loved the whole process!

Where do you get your ideas from? What influences you?
Well, I love nature. I love animals, I love the garden. Anything that connects me back to nature inspires me. I'll see a beautiful bird, or walk through an inspiring garden and get ideas. We go camping and bushwalking often and I am always full of inspiration afterwards.

What is your creative process?
I just let everything flow. Sometimes It flows naturally and immediately but other times I have to sit on a concept for a short time until the design pops into my mind. I find if I am having a creative block, I just need to go for a walk with Lucy on the beach and that fixes the problem. 

What is your website, what and where can people buy your stuff? and I wholesale to many shops around Australia. I am also at Salamanca Market in Hobart most weekends.

Where can people find you on socials?
@bosaartco on Instagram and Bosa Art Co on facebook

What do you do for fun other than creating your amazing prints?
I love to garden and I love to cook. But I have two beautiful young boys who keep me very busy, so I don't have too much free time to do those things. My garden is full of weeds haha. I love to take Lucy to the beach as much as I can. I love to swim and walk in nature. 

Quick Questions:
Tea or coffee? Coffee 100%, a few a day!
Morning or evening? I am a morning person, 5am! 
Sweet or savoury? I love dark chocolate and lemon meringue pies ! 
Vacation or staycation? Vacation, somewhere not too hot
Rural or urban? Rural, mountains, rivers or sea.
Stripes or Prints? Prints paired with stripes and always with a greyhound ;) 

I am a proud Dyslexic. I always had a hard time at school, but art and everything even remotely creative was/is my thing. I love that I see the world in a different way, it definitely helps influence my art. 
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