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Where, why and how to adopt a greyhound
Greyhounds bring a certain type of joy into the home, each long dog bringing their own unique charm and kookiness. These gentle giants are widely misunderstood, and some of them have a complicated history, but with the right type of luff and care, a greyhound makes a lovely four-legged member of your fam. Whether you’re on the fence about becoming a greyhound foster home, you know someone who’s been considering it, or you’ve been trying to convince a friend to join you in the greyhound pawrent life, this article will help with the low-down of where, why and how to make it happen.
Reasons to adopt a greyhound
Greyhounds are widely over-bred, meaning there are many long dogs in need of a good home once they reach a certain age. This often happens before a doggo is five, meaning you can find a greyhound within the first few years of their life and give them a warm and welcoming home for many years to come.
Rescuing a dog is a beautiful thing to do, and there’s no shortage of greyhounds looking for loving homes. But besides the chance to improve their lives and your own, here are some of the joys of greyhound ownership you’ll come to know.
A greyhound will often sit around with their tongue hanging out, perfectly content. Derp!
Have you ever seen a long boi on their back with all four quick-stix up in the air? It’s a sight worth seeing! This is called roaching, it’s hilarious, and it’s a favourite past-time for greyhounds.
An extreme version of chasing your tail. Watching your doggo go round and round and round (and round and round) until they flop down to the floor is a sweet treat all of its own. So derpy.
Now, this one’s pretty cute. When a greyhound chatters their teeth together, it’s like doggy purring. They get so excited to show affection they can’t help but chatter their teeth. Chattering is like saying, ‘I luff aroo’, but please make sure they’re not also shivering because they’re a chilly billy!
A common misconception is that greyhounds are a lot of work as a pet because they require a lot of exercise – not true! Long dogs don’t have enough fat to store energy, so they’re best built for sprinting, not long distances. They sleep for up to 18 hours a day, and one or two 30-minute walks or a few shorter sprints are often enough (that’s less than some other common household dogs).
How to adopt a greyhound
Before you adopt a greyhound, you can try fostering. Most adoption organisations are always open to welcoming new foster pawrents into the network. As a foster carer you’ll have access to guidance and support as you bring your greyhound into your home and help show them some luff until they move into a forever home or their next foster carer. You might find yourself with a ‘foster fail’, where you just can’t give your doggo up, so they become a paw-menant family member. Or, you might have several long dogs enter your life as you foster again and again.
There are plenty of volunteer-run greyhound organisations across Australia that can help you get into fostering or adopting. When you’re ready to adopt, you will often get the chance to meet your doggo-to-be and speak with someone who can help you figure out if you’re all set up and ready for a four-legged addition to your life.
Where to adopt a greyhound
April each year in Australia is National Greyhound Adoption Month. You can learn more about where you can foster or adopt a greyhound (any time of year!) in our article about organisations that support greyhounds, but here’s a list of names to start:
Dress your greyhound for success
We’re so excited for you to become a greyhound parent! When you’re ready to dress your snoot in the layers they need to stay warm n cosy, let us know – we can help with all things greyhound fashion. Thank aroooo!