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Meet the Snootermodels

Teddy/TedTed/BestestBoy/Kangaroo/ Teddles was adopted in 2018 through GAP. He may be in his senior years but he still loves his zoomies and strutting his stuff around his neighbourhood. He spends most of his days napping (preferably in the prawn position) and being senior snootervisor at Hound Tees HQ, making sure all our products have had the best quality control.He has the best floppy ear hat which the vet says is a birth defect. But Teddy's ma thinks it's his snack radar - always on alert and ready for treatos. Ted has been a very good foster bro to some very lucky doggos and as of early 2024 has a newly adopted senior sister called Molly "Mo".

Roxi the whippet! Roxi is a 1year old female pure bred whippet. She comes from a blood line of champion whippets! Her black eye liner is a striking feature of hers. Who has eyeliner that perfect?! Roxi is an outgoing gal with a very social personality. She loves humans and all dogs big and small - will say hi with a snoot lick! Roxi loves to have a snuggle on the humans bed and will sneak her way under the doona! When Roxi is tired from playing fetch she will proceed to tear our chunks of grass! Roxi is no longer the only fur baby in the house and has taken to her role of big sister with lots of love and cuddles... with a few barks to show she's still boss of the house.

Daisy is a very tall and lanky love bug moo cow. She lives with her two ma's and 10 year old greyhound sister, Violet. Daisy's three best friends are a doberman, a French bulldog and an eight year old child. Daisy was adopted from Second Chance Animal Rescue at 8 weeks old! She is extremely vocal and will bark/sing at you to play, give her your pizza bones or just fill a quiet room. Daisy's legs are extremely long, she had to learn how to coordinate all 4 without walking like a newborn giraffe. Daisy's favourite pastime is sunbathing. She won't come inside unless her bed is tipped upside down. Daisy puts a smile on everyone's face with her sweet, sassy and goofy ways.
Massimo & Gino
Massimo the tiny pocket rocket, miniature speed nooodle and all round sweetest boy.He is mischief on legs, powered by cheese, naps and snuggles. His favourite place is running free on the beach, chasing down miniature tennis balls and dodging waves with his little brother Gino.If you have a tasty snack when he's around, beware, for he has super ninja speed and stealth and will steal and devour your snack in seconds.Despite being a cheeky little nugget, Massimo is pure love and will quickly make you forget all the chaos of stolen lunches, socks and slippers as he snuggles into your lap.
Gino bambino, the not so tiny baby of the Moss household.He is our sensitive boy, the stickiest of velcro babies, our second shadow.His love for his fur brothers and sister is so tender. He is double their size, yet gentle as a kitten.Gino loves nothing more than curling up under a blanket (always touching some part of you) and lazing the day away in a slumberous state.If Gino isn't sleeping, he is in search of snacks. Nothing is off limits to his appetite and he has been known to rip apart many a treat pouch and poop bag holder in search of his next snack.With the sweetest little face and floppiest of ears, Gino is able to get away with anything with just one puppy eyed look.

Hi, my name is Millie, I am Roxi's two year old sister! I am a very patient dog unless you have a treat for me. Then, I will do whatever you want me to do but you better give me the treat or I will bark at you. I love going to the beach and camping. I also like car rides, I am always ready to go exploring with my dads. Modelling was always in the back of my mind, and my dream just came true. I am very excited to wear such pretty pieces of clothing, in particular anything pink or green. If you see me walking around, don't be shy and say hi. I love meeting people and dogs. Woof

Jayce was rescued by Gumtree Greys in January 2021 and met what he thought were his temporary foster parents. They quickly fell in love with his curiosity, love of humans and cars (which has included successfully getting into strangers cars on walks) and passion for delicacies like tandoori chicken and croissants. So they foster failed and he found his furrever home. Jace loves learning new tricks (he's very proud of his sit), getting bamboozled by cats and snoozing for 21 hours per day. While his parents are sad they can't foster anymore, they do their best to spread greyhound awareness on Jayce's instagram: @Jayce_the_greyhound

Benny is a super affectionate whippet who definitely sticks to people like velcro. If he’s not being nursed on your knee, he’s staring, just awaiting for the invite up. Benny’s facial expressions just melt your heart. Benny lives with his older greyhound sister, Holly. Both are obsessed with mashed potatoes, cheese, chicken and of course, Macca’s chippies (for special occasions). Benny loves life, especially his daily expeditions through the local neighbourhood. We can proudly say that he can stay in the drop position for a relatively good amount of time.

Izzy is a long-bodded, tiny-headed black beauty who was rescued from GAP VIC back in Feb 2021. She was born with two beautiful white socks on the back feet and a solid white stripe down the front. Despite these amazing physical attributes, Izzy is incredibly uncoordinated – and will refuse to walk up / down or even look at a set of stairs. She is an independent, no-nonsense type of character who gives and receives affection on her own terms – but when she does, it brings so much joy. It’s often hard to know what is going on inside that tiny brain of hers, but what’s for certain is that Izzy is living her best (and free) life as a Queen, much to the happiness of her two parents. Izzy keeps herself in prime snootermodel shape via a balanced diet of kibble, chicken roll, chicken drummies, roo mince, yoghurt & scrambled eggs. Her guilty pleasures consist of chicken nuggets, sardines, Coles pizza blend shredded cheese and pizza crust. She is a 3X walk and 2X poo per day kind of lady. In her spare time away from snoozing, she enjoys road trips to QLD, bed hopping, sniffari’s, grooming herself at 4AM in the morning, playing with her plush toys and catching up with her best pal Teddy Longlegs. Like all greyhounds, Izzy is the BEST!

Buffy is a 9 year old brindle with the sweetest white snoot. She was rescued by Greyt Greys in 2018 from Orange, NSW. She settled in perfectly and immediately stole her pawrents' hearts with her little buck teeth that chatter whenever she's excited. She loves getting ear scratches, stealing little bites of fruit and spending time at the dog park where she gets all the pats and treats she could want. Buffy is a sweet, gentle girl but can get very vocal and cheeky once she's comfortable with you.
Sweet angel Buffy crossed the rainbow bridge early 2024